

Since the mid 1990’s most vehicles have been fitted with immobilisers and in many cases transponder keys. As with the remotes, the move from just cutting traditional car keys to cutting modern type keys with transponder chips was a natural one for us.

We now stock JMA transponder keys, who are a world leader in this field and so we can cut and c...

Since the mid 1990’s most vehicles have been fitted with immobilisers and in many cases transponder keys. As with the remotes, the move from just cutting traditional car keys to cutting modern type keys with transponder chips was a natural one for us.

We now stock JMA transponder keys, who are a world leader in this field and so we can cut and code keys for motorcycles, cars, vans, utes and trucks across a massive range of manufacturers. We also carry key-less entry remotes for most of the more popular car makes and integrated flip keys also.


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