Australia's leading Online Garage, Gate, Car Remote Control Store
The most common of the ATA PTX5...
Marshall Beattie gate Automation are a WA based company.
The grey Marshall Beattie FMT 301, 27mhz gate remote with 1 white button is not currently available but can be replaced by either the Elsema FMT-301 large remote or the Elsema KEY-301 key ring sized remote. Both are easily programmed by copying the dip switch sequence from your remote or motor. You can choose an alternative replacement remote from the...
The grey Marshall Beattie FMT 302, 27mhz gate remote control with 2 grey button is out of stock. Both are easily programmed by copying the dip switch sequence from your remote or motor. NO LONGER IN PRODUCTION P30
The Marshall Beattie FMT304, 4 button 27mhz gate remote control is not currently available. SORRY NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE - PLEASE CHOOSE ALTERNATIVE BELOW P30E